This weekend we had our first dinner party. Neal's parents, my parents, and my grandparents all came over for appetizers, dinner, and drinks. It was so nice to be able to host for everyone (and wow, it's a lot of work!). I put together a bunch of appetizers including my specialty- spinach dip in a bread bowl. There was acutally room for all of us in the apartment, I'm so glad we all fit. Can't wait to have more parties!
Engagement party plans are moving along. We sent out invitations to family and are waiting for some RSVPs to decide what time we will invite our friends. RSVPs are due on Friday so we'll see. My parents booked a tent and Neal and I will be ordering the food soon.
So the apartment is set up and we are getting situated, we even have Franklin Square library cards now. My grandparents and Aunt Marcy gave us our engagement gifts early to start us off, so now we can actually cook with our new pots, pans, and toaster oven! One of our last purchases for the apartment is this beautiful mezuzzah. It's perfect for us and I can't wait to hang it:

More updates soon!